Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wild Mushrooms spoor print

There are many wild mushrooms species that have look a likes that are poisonous. It is crucial that you are able to positively identify the mushroom. The most dangerous species are members of the genus Amanita, which includes the well known Death cap, Destroying Angle and the hallucinogenic Fly Agaric. All with white spoor prints. If you have a good mushroom book or guide it will list the spoor print colors for each mushroom along with the shape and size of the spoors.To make a spoor print, take a full grown cap and lay it gill side down on a clean piece of glass. Cover the mushroom cap with a glass or jar. This keeps any breeze or air movement from blowing the spoors away. It also helps keep the mushroom cap from drying out. Left overnight the cap should give you a good print. Use a razor blade and scrape the spoors together to get a good color observation.

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